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So uncle Corona has really done a number on your wedding? I’m so sorry. This card will let your loved ones know about your change of plans in a simple, stylish and modern way. You can even change the writing on these cards to reflect your situation - just let us know what you want it to say in the details box before you check out.




Postponement announcement card with kraft or white recycled envelope (148mm x 105mm)


How does it work?

Once you place your order and you've included your custom wording we will get to work on creating your design. We will e-mail over your designs for you to approve and if you're happy with it, we will send it to print or provide you with a high quality PDF depending on your choice. This process can take a few days so please bear this in mind.

Change The Date | Postponement Card | Coronavirus | Wedding Date Change

PrecioDesde 1,20£
  • Postponement announcement card with kraft or white recycled envelope (148mm x 105mm)

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